Mega Score nº 138 - Março 2007

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Moderadores: JVieira, Redacção, Moderadores

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Mensagens: 1833
Registado: sexta 07 abr 2006, 14:37
Localização: Porto

Mensagem por Bu77erCup242 » sábado 10 mar 2007, 2:56

A capa da MS e a mais bonita que tenho memorio. O editorial e o melhor que tenho memoria. Discorto totalmente com a lista dos melhores do ano. Quando ler mais acresento qualquer coisinha.

EDIT- Nao consigo ver a MegaTV na 360 :( e que nem aparece no DVD...
EDIT2- Bem tive que ver no PC, e tenho que admitor depois da primeiro episodio nao penasava que fosse possivel melhor e nao e que foi.
Ja com generico, muito mais longo, e muito melhor. Parabens
Tenho que destacar 2 coisas.
O senhor Carlos da Spellcast que me fez chorar a rir. Simplesmente brilhante:
"Não te será dificil arranjar os 100 euros que ele vai custar" brilhante

E o senhor FTeixeira quando lhe e perguntado o que acontence quando tentar eleger o melhor jogo do ano, o melhor e a calma e desinteresse as batatadas a volta do jogo do ano lol muito bom!

Gostei muito, mas espero que na proxima deia para ver na 360 :P
Mandem mp se-me quiserem adicionar na vossa Wii ou PS3 :anxious:
"My Mii has a tatoo that says whem Halo 3 is coming out"
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Mensagens: 337
Registado: quinta 15 fev 2007, 23:02
Localização: Atrás de ti.

Mensagem por Role-Player » sábado 10 mar 2007, 16:02

Sem de alguma maneira querer ser apologista da Obsidian, achei a crítica do Jorge Vieira no Segunda Opinião em relação ao Neverwinter Nights 2 pouco objectiva.

Primeiro, porque o Neverwinter Nights, também ele, foi "um remoinho de problemas técnicos" quando foi lançado. Aqui está uma lista (parcial, dado que a certa altura parei de seguir quaisquer desenvolvimento do jogo e por associação notícias de patches) de correcções que a Bioware lançou nos patches oficiais:
* Fixed the server filter crash in the server browser screen.
* Improved client and server stability.
* Fixed the issue with plot items being dragged directly into an inventory bag.
* Cleaned up some Journal Entry issues.
* Cleaned up some general sound issues.
* Fixed duplicate player names appearing on the dedicated server's player list.
* Corrected the issue that occured when pressing the Load button without custom modules.
* Creatures will now use their spell-like abilities again.
* Bards will no longer become illegal characters when changing modules after leveling up and removing spells.
* Fixed the 'Bad Strref' GameSpy connection message.
The game now sorts Community Names alphabetically in the chat portion of the Server Browser area.
* Made Neverwinter Nights work with DirectX debug DLLs.
* Added a Tech Support chat area in the Server Browser area.
* Fixed an issue with save game characters and moving between single and multiplayer.
* Added code to prevent non-NWN files from corrupting modules in the Toolset.
* Fixed Intellect Devourer not spawning in certain cross-version save games.
* Fixed a bug where Skills on the character sheet weren't being displayed and were disabling certain skills.
* Fixed a text color issue in the game server chat area.
* Fixed a bug where you joining a server with no module loaded that could crash the game client in certain situations.
* Fixed a bug where typing a server password for a client connection was showing actual characters that are typed, instead of asterisks.
* Fixed a bug in "One party only" game where the DM possesses hostile creature, then player joins and gets added to hostile creature's party.
* Fixed a server crash that occurred when saving during a module load, which could occur with autosaves/manual saves when "Reload When Empty" was enabled or during module transitions.
* Fixed server crash if a script called ExportAllCharacters() when a player was at the character selection screen.
* Fixed an incorrect result for many of the damage types in Linux due to small differences in floating point math.
* Fixed 4 memory leaks
* Fix to an odd spell-casting/emote bug that allowed users to cast multiple spells with only one spell slot used.
* Fixed a bug where certain player area transitioning during a module transition caused the server to crash.
* Fixed a bug on the Sound Options page.
* Detailed error message is now displayed on client when character validation fails.
* Code added to prevent "more spells" radial from appearing if there were not any more spells. This was preventing all spells from levels 7,8,9 from appearing in radial.
* We have rectified the SecureROM compatibility issues.
* Improved overall game stability.
* Added code to handle bad save game data properly.
* Invalid Character bug in Server Vault is fixed.
* More DM Client fixes for possesion, factions, and crashes.
* Fixed an issue with scripting a door or placeable to lock itself.
* Fixed the GetFacing() command in NWscript to return the correct value.
* Fixed creature bumping through walls/doors.
* Fixed a problem where DMs couldn't GoTo a new area if a large part of the center of the new area was elevated, or didn't have a walkmesh by increasing the search radius.
* Fixed a bug causing new characters to enter the game with an empty quickbar rather than a default set.
* Cleaned up and fixed several quick bar issues, including text overlapping and replacing problems.
* Fixed a bug with Armor Class specific bonuses versus alignment not always working.
* Fixed the adjust alignment feedback messages for the neutral range.
* Fixed a bug with weapon damage display on the character sheet with variable bonuses and power attack.
* Fixed crash bug where a trap set fails critically and sets off the trap.
* Fixed an unhilighting bug in the DM chooser that was causing the DM Client to crash randomly on some GoTo's that involved an area transition.
* Fixed server crash when trying to possess a creature that is transitioning into Limbo.
* onLocked and onUnLocked events for doors and placeables work now.
* Fixed pop-up GUIs appearing on top of the load screen.
* Made a small fix to the server list chat edit area.
* When saving a servervault subdirectory character and the player has no name, save into a subdirectory called "lost+found" instead of the root of the servervault.
* Fixed an issue with generating texture IDs for Matrox video cards.
* Plot objects now have all immunities.
* Fixed a memory leak in inventory.
* Fixes to Darkness vs. Ultravision and True Seeing.
* Fixed a DM Client crash when trying to bring up the PvP menu in certain situations.
* Fixed a problem with determining character encumberance when loading.
* Fixed a problem with DMs where getting killed when someone turned off their plot flag through scripting.
* Fixed the 21st player dedicated server crash.
* Made a fix to diseases that addresses a server crash.
* Fixed server crash when critically failing to set a trap.
* Moved "source" 2DA files from the patching system as they were sometimes breaking people's ability to patch. They are now in the root of the NWN directory in a file called "".
* All 2DAs now work properly in Hak Paks. Seriously. I am not kidding.
* Fixed miscalculation of AC bonuses.
* Fixed saving throw miscalculation.
* Reversed disarm weapon size modifier so that the larger weapon gets a bonus rather than a penalty to match the feat description.
* Improved CD checking compatibility.
* Fixed the plot-item Paladin tunic problem in Olgerds store in the Prelude.
* Fixed door initial state animation.
* Fixed a problem with portals not going to the proper waypoint.
* Bard song temporary hitpoints are now working properly.
* Changed ban lists to write out to the nwnplayer.ini file on each modification.
* Offhand damage should now work properly for double bladed weapons.
* You can no longer set traps on objects that are already trapped.
* Prevent illegal characters in the module name from breaking save game file names.
* Fixed Store Sell Mark Up value to work in the same range as the Toolset.
* Failing to load a Module reports the proper error message instead of "Not Enough Disk Space"
* Fixed a problem with the game loading modules with multiple periods in the module file name.
* Fixed the problem of not being able to unequip your items if you polymorph, save, load, then unpolymorph.
* Do Max CR check for spell talents always, not just for metamagicked spells.
* Fixed a visual bug on older ATI cards playing the Bink movies under Windows XP.
* Fixed a potential server hang in Jump all players to point.
* Fixed a problem if you were kicked from the server while in an area transition, your client would hang.
* Fixed a server crash when a player ignored a party join request from a player who had left the game.
* Fixed 2 memory leaks.
* Fixed problems associated with saving games while DM possessing NPCs
* DMs will now see a player's/creature's Character Sheet when examining them, rather than the Examine Menu.
* Fixed a DM-created portalling issue.
* Cleaned up some DM chat display issues.
* Fixed a problem associated with saving games while DM possessing NPCs.
* Fixed a rare crash that occurs when radialing off of a Player Portrait when using the DM client.
* DMs are no longer affected by Jump all players to point.
* Fixed a crash that sometimes occurs when a DM tries to level down an NPC using Take Level.
* Fixed ActionPauseConversation().
* Fixed CreateObject() - it was having problems if the template wasn't found.
* Fixed GetFirstObjectInArea() and GetNextObjectInArea().
* GetStartLocation() nows return a valid area.
* Fixed GetHasSpell() to work for Sorcerers and Bards.
* Fixed a crash in PlaySound() when called by module.
* Fixed main tile light constants and added constants for source lights.
* SetTileSourceLightColor() is now working properly.
* Fixed GetItemPossessor() to work when loading polymorphed possessor in a save game.
* AdjustAlignment() no longer effects DMs.
* Fixed the AC application bug where AC changes through spells and feats weren't being applied, but were being removed. Please note: Stoneskin and Greater Stoneskin are not supposed to change your AC.
* Fixed a crash using Direct Connect on LAN server page.
* Fixed a GameSpy chat crash
* Made a fix for barter panel text - some of it was not being clipped properly.
* Fixed the history page so it will show servers on same IPs but different ports.
* Fixed an issue with the save game screen and NWN module names not showing up as translated.
* Fixed the player list multiple selection bug.
* Fixed it so that campaign hints do not show up in user created modules.
* Direct connecting as a DM now properly prompts for the DM password. The text was missing before.
* Fixed an display issue with connecting to a server loaded from a save game and displaying the wrong character information.
* Made a fix to DecrementRemainingFeatUses() - You must have at least one feat use remaining to be able to decrement it.
* Added support for Shiny Water for ATI Radeon users.
* Added feedback to text window, for failed level-up attempts.

* Official Campaign fixes:

- Chapter 1 - Fixed the force-field door in the Beggar's Nest Warehouse.
- Chapter 1 - fixed a blank journal entry problem.
- Chapter 2E - made a symptomatic fix to the Host Tower: Pinacle bug - currently
broken save games will have to follow the instructions here.
- Chapter 3 - fixed a blank journal entry problem.
- Chapter 3 - fixed force field doors in Creator Race Ruins so that they are closed.

* Monks now suffer the penalty of equiping a shield just like equipping armour.
* Fixed a bug where character files would be saved out then loaded would sometime be unusable with ghosted inventory items and an inability to act in the game. The Combat Flag was being saved out and reloaded here.
* Fixed a bug when validating a Wizard character's spells; it was using their use thier CHA modifier instead of INT.
* Made a preliminary fix for the infamous "Swapping Out the Blood Sailor Uniform After Being Shot By Arrows" crash. Oh man was this an obscure one to find.
* Made a symptomatic fix to Henchmen going hostile. It seems that after quitting and rejoining a multiplayer game, something was getting corrupted, causing your henchman to go hostile. We have fixed this, although they still aren't in your party even though they show up on your party bar after a load. You can simply ask them to join you again. We are continuing to investigate so we can have a permanent solution.
* Made a fix to properly level down multi-classed characters.
* Reversed size bonus for Knockdown so that the larger creature has the advantage as stated in the manual.
* Changed Improved Knockdown so that the attacker knocks down as if it were one size larger, as stated in the manual.
* Made a preliminary fix for corrupted character files crashing the game server. Bad characters will end up as ghosts on the server.
* Made some fixes to prevent game/character hacking. Sorry, but we will never publically discuss specific changes to the game with regards to hacking the game.
* Fixed a crash if GetIsDM() is called with a non-creature.
* Fixed a crash when ActionUnequipItem() was called by a non-creature.
* Fixed a crash when certain scripts try delete polymorphed creature items.
* Fixed a bug in GetMaxHitpoints() when hitpoints for a PC's level are less than 1 it was resetting their total hitpoints to 1.
* GetHasSpell() and DecrementRemainingSpellUses() will now work with master spells (like protection from alignment).
* Game no longer behaves erratically when the first element of a structure is a string or engine-defined structure.
* Fixed polymorph removal on all saving/exporting of creatures.
* On level up and down, made sure that we change the pre-polymorph values for STR, DEX, and CON that are stored on the server, so that when the polymorph is cancelled, the ability changes are reflected on the base creature.
* Made a fix to Henchmen/familiars having problems when using an exported character in a saved game.
* Fixed the Flame Arrow script that was incorrectly signalling itself as Magic Missle.
* Fixed an obscure crash when closing the options panel using the default 'O' key.
* Made a fix to prevent an obscure crash when generating a familiar name.
* Fixed an issue with the hide empty/hide full servers filter being switched around.
* Fixed an issue where tag lookups using more than 32 characters would fail.
* Made a fix for pressing 'I' to close inventory while a placeable container is open, causing the container to be stuck open permanently.
* Fixed an odd faction bug where certain NPC's were hating each other.
* Fixed a feedback crash with Barbarian Rage in certain specific areas.
* Fixed "Damage Reduction absorbed # damage" message. It now displays the correct value absorbed for Barbarians/Monks.
* If GameSpy is offline, Favorites, History, Buddy Lists, and Direct Connect will all be available from the Internet Multiplayer screen instead of denying access.
* Fixed problem with inventory items locking up after moving them and then cancelling the action queue.
* Fixed problem with inventory items locking up after trying to move, drop, or unequip them while stunned.
* Fixed problem with unmemorizing spells on multi-class characters.
* Fixed a problem with many items in the action queue and the queue misfiring.
* Fix for in game guis not updating after a character loses a class during a level-down.
* Fixed the the restoring of previous remaining skill points during a level-down. It was restoring them based on the earlier multi-class level instead of the total character levels.
* Fixed seamless portals that don't have waypoints specified (they will portal you now)
* Fixed an incorrect entry in soundset.2da that was causing Dire Rats to not have sounds.
* Fixed Gargoyle statues not destroying themselves when spawning a Gargoyle, as well as improved the visual effect of the statue's destruction.
* Fixed Wail of the Banshee script. It now allows the game to do proper Death Immunity checking.
* Added seamless portal password security check. ie: portal seamlessly to passworded server with no password specified fails.
* Made a fix for creatures in a Hak Pak crashing the game when reloading the hak pak saved game from within the game.
* PVP attitude is no longer re-initialized on area transitions. Like/Dislike buttons won't reset to "Like" on area transitions.
* Fixed convoluted saving crash related to creating a placeable with inventory then unclicking the 'inventory' checkbox and then deleting said inventory through scripting and then trying to save.
* Made several game stability fixes.
* Made some fixes to prevent game/character hacking. Sorry, but we will never publically discuss specific changes to the game with regards to hacking the game.
* Fixed a problem where containers could get stuck open when an NPC starts a conversation with you.
* Fixed JumpToPoint and JumpToObject from firing when the client is loading or playing a movie.
* Changed the DM Faction when possessing a creature to that creature's faction. ie: Possessing a hostile creature will keep him hostile.
* Added some safety checks to some DM commands.
* Partial fix for server crash when DM possesses gated in Balor and it gets unsummoned.
* Fixed crashes caused by using console command "dm_setfaction <faction_name>".
* Fixed Dungeon Master area transitions - they were getting a blank entry in the party bar during some transitions.
* Made some fixes to the DM jump to/goto commands and added some more error checking to address any potential crash situations.
* Fixed problem where DM viewing NPC character sheets displayed hit points as 1/1.
* Fixed an issue caused by DM possessing a creature and then creating/editing a map pin.
* RemoveFromParty() no longer removes a player from the party when the server is set to "One Party Only".
* Fixed GetNearestCreature() so that when first or only criteria is CREATURE_TYPE_IS_ALIVE it doesn't always return an invalid object.
* Fixed GetIsResting() - was always returning false except when called from OnPlayerRest.
* Fixed problem with SetMapPinEnabled() whereby map pins could not be disabled. The map wasn't updating correctly, so the pin WAS indeed disabled but still displayed on map.
* Fixed GetHasSpell() and DecrementRemainingSpellUses() to work properly with spontaneously cast spells.
* Fixed the GetFirst/NextFactionMember() scripting command toggle.
* Fixed crash when ActionStartConversation() assigned to area or module.
* Fixed a bug when calling a GetAlignment() function on a non-creature.
* Fixed an issue with NPCs "warping" around on the client screen
* Fixed Stoneskin limit, so that its now reduced by the correct amount if you take more than the maximum absorbed damage from a hit.
* Active item properties should be properly useable on items bought from stores and split from piles. This fixes the "can't use purchased item in inventory" issue.
* Fixed logging out with a placeable container open causing the container to be permanently stuck open.
* Added more informative user feedback on why their new server vault character was rejected.
* Fixed NPCs attacking DMs.
* PCs can no longer pick the DMs pocket. =P
* Fixed potions/scrolls not working and breaking your game if you set the starting hour/year to zero in module properties.
* Tags are now being properly enforced to their 32 character limit.
* Fixed a bug where game rooms would show up twice when you hit cancel on direct connect panel.
* Fixed an art bug with filter list on internet page and tweaked chat page also.
* Fixed the "Release From Domination" icon.
* Fixed a display issue where not all players were being displayed in the DM Clients player list.
* Fixed DM possessed creatures changing to friendly on No-PVP servers.
* Fixed the server option "RotateServerLog" to not delete old logs when rotation is disabled on a server restart.
* Made some improvements to network performance.
* Made some fixes to prevent game/character hacking. Sorry, but we will never publically discuss specific changes to the game with regards to hacking the game.
* Made several game stability fixes.
* Changed the connection panel so if you press Cancel on GameSpy connect it will dump you to the History/Favorites/Buddies pages.
* Fixed bug with buddy list where buddy names list was not showing correct name associated with server. Also fixed bug where there was an extra server showing up with ping of -1 that didn't really exist.
* Fixed a bug where if you loaded a module with a hak pack that had a custom creature in it, quit out, then loaded it again it would crash.
* Fixed the character sheet displaying the incorrect "Attack Bonus" after loading a saved game from within the game.
* "Limited" animation creatures can now use bows and crossbows.
* Fixed loading saved games if the save folder did not specify a number.
* Made a symptomatic fix to a counterspell issue where the character would walk up to its target.
* Fix to disarm/recover trap progress GUI not disappearing when the character or familiar doing it dies.
* Scripts on custom area of effect objects are now being loaded in from saved games properly.
* Changed the feedback system on skills to handle traps that cannot be disarmed. Now if you try and disarm/recover a trap that is not flagged as disarmable, your character will try just like on a normal trap, then it will give a message saying *success will never be possible*.
* Fix to trap feedback messages, before it was reporting success not possible when it actually was possible.
* Fixed some combat debugging feedback messages in regards to AC Decrease properties.
* Fixed a bug so now Halflings Good Aim bonus will show up on the character sheet.
* Fixed a problem with some of Healer Kits/Theives Tools not getting the number of uses updated properly on your quickbar after they'd been used.
* Changed level drain visual feedback system on the client extensively. Now it will show your level in red if your are level drained, it will also show saving throws and skills in red as they are effected by level drain. It will also always effect your highest level now, taking into account the level after negative levels have been applied.
* We now display feedback on creature's saving throws, when you cast an AOE spell on them.
* Damage Vulnerabilities on items are now being correctly removed when the item is unequipped.
* Items with an AC Decrease property (e.g. -5 AC) will now give you the correct AC modifier.
* Fixed a bug with multiple item effects not always being removed correctly when the item was unequipped.
* Fixed a bug where you would lose an item that was unequiped due to losing a level.
* Items can no longer be sold if they can't be unequipped.
* Fixed problem with saving throw bonuses not getting properly removed when you unequip an item.
* Fixed a problem where is some custom built modules, closing a door could sometimes cause a creature in a different part of the area to teleport into the room.
* Plot items should appear properly in the lostitems store now.
* Plot items will now appear in the Divining Pool if a player logs out of a multiplayer game while in possession of them.
* Fixed RemoveJournalQuestEntry so it'd pull the date and time as well.
* Fixed bug where if you were a multiclassed cleric/ranger - spells were incorrectly showing up in the rangers known list.
* Changed it so in 800X600 you can't enable the larger font. Also if you switch to 800X600 it will disable the large font option and switch you to the normal one if your already using it.
* Fixed resting so that associates will now rest after any custom OnPlayerRest script has already fired.
* Fix to the way AreaEffect spells were being saved and loaded in.
* Stopped polymorph from firing off onexit and onenter scripts.
* Fixed polymorphed spell casting via dragging spells to quickbar.
* Polymorphed player creatures can now use potions.
* Fixed a problem where a druid's weapons were not visible after leaving wild shape.
* Fixes to domination. The effect should no longer partially remove itself when the associate is attacked, and they should no longer return their master as a valid enemy (since it was using their personal reputation values to adjust the happy friendly value).
* Fixed a bug with spell resistance increase/decrease not being handled properly.
* Fixed bug where recommended button on skill panel in character generation did nothing.
* Recommended button on levelup will select the class last leveled up in (if the character can still gain a level in that class), otherwise it will now find a valid class, preferably one the character already has a level in.
* Fixed some issues with dominating creatures and animal empathy.
Immortal creatures are immune to all 'state' effects (daze, sleep, paralyze, petrify, etc..)
* Fixed problem where dead people would spawn in standing up and then immediately fall over (they now spawn in lying down).
* Fixed a problem where creatures in a crowded location would sometimes appear on the wrong side of a door when loading a saved game.
* Fixed bug with barter panel preventing chat from being resized after it is closed.
* Changed min number of voice channels from 8 to 16. This SHOULD solve problems where combat sounds were not playing in certain rooms with lots of ambient sounds.
* Fixed unlocking and locking of doors (with and without using a key). You can now lock doors with the proper key. Yay!
* Poison and disease effects are no longer applied to dead creatures.
* Fixed to Called Shot. Target will now only suffer a penalty if the Called Shot attack actually does damage (i.e. due to target having Damage Reduction).
* Skill Decrease effects should stack properly now.
* Fixed a bug where if you clicked at the just the right time on the legal screen the mouse wouldn't work when you got to main menu, forcing you to alt-tab out and back in for it to work again.
* Stopped battlemusic from playing if you leave an area.
* Fixes to Protection Vs Alignment spells.
* Fixed immunity vs spells cast from a creature of a particular alignment type.
* Fixed bonus saving throws so that they now work properly against Area of Effect spells cast by a creature of a particular alignment type.
* You now get the +2 attack bonus for your initial attack when you're invisible.
* Daze will now allow you to walk, but not cast spells or attack.
* Fixed a problem with music sources in alternate directories.
* Fixed a problem with the party bar icon missing in multiplayer when using a character from the character list instead of a saved game.
* Fix for removing spells in levelup when they're on your quickbar.
* Fixed quickbar item removal.
* Made some fixes to damage resistance/reduction, so that it always decrements the damage limit by the correct amount (i.e. by a maximum of the amount resisted) and the user feedback messages are now displaying the correct values too.
* Made some more fixes to the damage reduction system. The damage reduction feedback system has also been fixed so it is much less confusing and much more informative.
* Fixed a problem where ingame keyboard shortcuts did not work if you had to enter your CD Key when starting the game.
* Fixed level drain so skills now are effected by it.
* Knockdown does a ClearAllActions().
* Fixed bug where subrace was not being reset when user changed race.
* Fixed a problem with you getting locked into conversation and being unable to successfully start a converstaion with another NPC.
* Many changes to the way darkness works in combination with True Seeing/Ultravision.
* DMs are no longer blinded by darkness.
* The Blindness visual effect (screen black out) will no longer carry over from one game to the next.
* Made some fixes to make sure that saved creatures load their animations properly.
* Spells are now sorted in char generation, the level up panel, and the character sheet.
* Fixed a spell casting issue. (Memorized count not always reducing).
* Fixed bug with examine item in multiplayer.
* Rangers companions are now the same level as shown in level up. They get the companion that compares to their real level now, not starting at level 6 any more.- Fixed imported characters and negative effects put on them making them unable to modify their action queue.
* Fixed a crash that would happen if you tried to change the violence password and got it wrong.
* Fixed crash that would sometimes occur when the host quit a mulitplayer game.
* Fixed crash that could occur when damaging people who are pretending to cast a spell.
* Fixed a crash that would rarely occur when casting spells at a target.
* Fixed a crash that could occur when acquiring stackable equipped items that were able to merge with other items.
* Fix to crash when copying gold to a player's repository.
* Fixed clients hanging on a partially faded screen if the server autosaved while they were in an area transition.
* Fixed crash caused by using up a potion and then dropping it on the quickbar.
* Fixed a rare crash with Floaty Text and game loading.
* DM characters will now remain invulnerable when loaded in from a saved game.
* Fixed crash when reloading a saved game from within a running game (as a DM) when the saved game contained a DM saved character.
* The difficulty setting will no longer reset when a DM logs into a multiplayer game. The DM's difficulty slider will now also update to the current server difficulty when logging in.
* Now when a DM changes the difficulty slider, other DMs in the game will now see it change.
* Fixed bug where DM's could not cast spells at NPC's.
* Fixed a crash that could occur with DM Goto commands.
* Fixed an issue in scripting where the code would skip a switch evaluation line (in particular, if it was called without a compound statement as the statement inside an if, while, do/while or for statement!)
* Copy item template name as part of copy item (used for infinite store items).
* Fixed compilation bug that causes compiler/toolset to crash when a semi-colon immediately followed the "else" keyword.
* Fix a crash related to GetCasterLevel().
* Fixed a server crash when a creature that was the target of a spell was sent into limbo.
* Made some improvements to network performance.
* Made some fixes to prevent game/character hacking. Sorry, but we will never publically discuss specific changes to the game with regards to hacking the game.
* Made several game stability fixes.
* Fix to database system referencing player name variables. This fix is already in Live 1.30 but will break compatibility between player-specific data between SoU 1.30 and 1.31. We apologize for any inconvienience
* Fixed Monk Glowing eyes not showing up at level 20
* Made a theoretical fix to the "body switching" bug. Let us know if this fixes it or if its still happening at [email protected]
* Added a new console command - "setfogdistance x" where x is the distance to set the fog. At this time, this command can only move the plane out, not back in
* Fixed the ShowDMJoinedMessage ini server option so that it actually works now
* Fixed a problem with ModifyNumAttacks not stacking properly
* Removed penalty for point blank shots (firing into melee penalty)
* Made a fix to the GameSpy autologin process
* Deflect arrows feat now works if either of you hands are free. Rather than the left hand always having to be free regardless of whether or not you have something in your right hand
* Fixed "On Hit: Blindness" item property so that it now works again
* You actually have to take damage from a stunning fist attack in order to get stunned by it
* You actually have to take damage from a quivering palm attack in order to die from it
* Put in a fix to allow henchman in the Original Official Campaign to equip unidentified magic items on loading to allow for the SoU henchmen changes
* Item property "On Hit Knock" now actually uses it DC value
* Made a fix to Attack Bonus calculation that was erroneously granting attack bonuses to certain damage reduction effects
* Fixed a bug where you always failed your concentration check for spells on a subradial menu
* Fixed a bug where cleric always failed their concentration checks when casting a non-cleric domain spell (e.g. an Air Domain cleric casting Chain Lightning)
* Fixed the level up summary screen so that it displays the correct hit points gained if you level up when you are diseased and you CON has gone down
* If you're immortal and you get a death effect and your hit points are below 1, they're now set back up to 1
* You now have to have a ring/amulet equipped in order to cast spells from it
* Fixed the "Server Description" incorrectly appearing under the "Module Description" heading in the Favorites/History page
* Spell Resistance from items no longer stacks with the SR from a Monk's innate ability under weird circumstances
* Added fix for defensive casting not working
* Fixed counterspell causing the player to walk toward the target
* Fixed DC to detect traps to use a d20 on your roll, not a d10
* Fixed Nature's Sense and Trackless step, so that they now take effect when in the proper environment
* Fixed an issue with module switching and the character selection screen
* Made a fix to drive mode keys while entering cutscene mode
* Fixed autosave character portrait and character info, for when the autosave occurred as the player was in an area transition
* Fixed double clicking on a button in the load game menu causing the screen shot to get messed up
* Fixed a crash when you do massive damage to a non-creature
* Fix to radial equip option on items on the ground
* Fix to texture replacements. VFX for stoneskin, barkskin, petrify and shadow skin should stack properly now (removing one won't remove them all)
* Fixed "Server Description" scroll bars not working in the History/Favorites/LAN pages
* Fixed trapped placeables that were spawned in through scripting were not being added to the area's trap list, so it couldn't be detected
* Fixed up some ELC checks that weren't working quite right
* Fixed a problem with hostile monsters being able to open doors that were trapped by the PC without setting off the trap
* Fixed item containers in henchman inventory issues
* Fixed selling items from henchman's item containers
* Fixed Set/Disable Trap synergy bonus not showing up on the character sheet
* Fixed some spellbook display issues
* Fixed a crash while saving with certain malformed custom portrait .tga files
* Fixed a crash when creature dies and DM is looking at inventory
* Fixed crash in game options, if you quickly moved the "Overall Graphics Quality" slider when anti-aliasing was turned on
* Fixed a rare crash when dropping gold into a container
* Fixed a crash when calling unpossess familiar when you weren't possessing
* Fixed a few memory leaks
* Fixed a crash that would occasionally happen when viewing the LAN server details page
* Fixed a crash when trying to pick up item in NULL area
* Made some fixes to prevent game/character hacking. Sorry, but we will never publically discuss specific changes to the game with regards to hacking the game
* Made several game stability fixes
* Fixed the portrait not being saved out for DMs when the DM is hosting the game and saves
* Made a fix to CreateObject scripting command for creating stores
* Made a fix so game timers wouldn't get confused when SetCalendar or SetTime were called
* Fixed EffectNegativeLevel so it doesn't cause a script underflow
* Made a fix so that GetTotalDamageDealt() work with doors/placeables
* Made a few small fixed to ActionEquipMostDamagingMelee()
* Made a fix to the script debugger format that would cause issues when a function with parameters and a prototype is followed by a constant value
* Fix to GetDamageRoll(), so that it now returns the correct max unarmed damage
* Fixed crashes caused by scripting an area to apply an AOE spell to a location or object using the scripting command ApplyEffectAtLocation or ApplyEffectToObject
* Made some fixes to prevent game/character/server hacking. Sorry, but we will never publically discuss specific changes to the game with regards to hacking the game
* Added some safety checks to the CD checking code. Hopefully this will prevent silly messages from Windows asking you to insert your NWN CD into your hard drive. Doing this might void your hard drive's warranty
* Fixed a server crash when the last two members of a party would leave the party at the same time
* Fixed a nasty frame rate killing bug - if you fired lots of missile weapons with some form of added damage (eg. fire) eventually your frame rate would slow to a crawl
* Made a fix to wounding
* Fixed some display issues in the internet multiplayer server list
Mais uma vez, esta lista é parcial. A Bioware ainda andava a lançar patches em 2006 quando o jogo foi lançado em 2002.

Muitos problemas demoraram meses a serem resolvidos, e por vezes tópicos nos fóruns oficiais em que problemas técnicos eram apresentados foram ignorados ou completamente apagados. A dada altura parei de seguir quaisquer desenvolvimentos em relação ao Neverwinter Nights original, por isso não sei se mais erros foram corrigidos, mas ainda hoje há problemas no jogo, como o 'pathfinding' atroz de muitas entidades, incluíndo o dos personagens que podemos recrutar. O original recusava-se a correr em muitos computadores, não reconhecia certas placas gráficas e como tal recusava-se a usar certos efeitos especiais, houveram casos de corrupção de saves, e por aí fora... E a Bioware demorou 5 anos a desenvolver o jogo, muito mais tempo do que a Obsidian teve para estudar o motor e fazer-lhe um update gráfico e técnico. Apesar de não negar que o Neverwinter Nights 2 sofre de problemas técnicos, parece-me falacioso apresentar o original como livre de tais problemas quando também ele os tinha em grande quantidade.

O autor enaltece o primeiro título e acusa a sequela de se "estatelar ao comprido", quando na verdade esta oferece alguns melhoramentos em relação à jogabilidade do primeiro. A salientar: personagens que se juntam ao grupo podem ser controladas; podem ser recrutadas mais do que uma personagem, o que adiciona uma componente táctica ao combate que era impossível de executar no original; as decisões do jogador afectam a direcção que a campanha oficial pode tomar, o que a dada altura apresenta dois caminhos divergentes na história; existe um sistema de influência de personalidade ao estilo de ambos os títulos da saga Knights of the Old Republic. Certamente podia incluir mais algumas - como o sistema de síntese ou as facções - mas estas por si só elevam a sequela bem acima do que o simples original tentou fazer.

Técnicamente, o jogo também beneficia de 'height maps', o que permite aos mapas terem elevações de terreno naturais e muito menos rígidas. Apresento aqui duas imagens para ilustrar o que digo:

Neverwinter Nights:


Neverwinter Nights 2:


Também não compreendo a necessidade que o Neverwinter Nights 2 supostamente tem de competir gráficamente com o Oblivion. Será que quando o The Witcher ou o Jade Empire: Special Edition forem lançados também serão alvo de uma crítica negativa por não corresponderem ao grafismo do último título do Elder Scrolls? E que tal aspectos como direcção artística?
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Death Crow
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Registado: sábado 22 mai 2004, 23:41
Localização: Ribeira de Frades

Mensagem por Death Crow » sábado 10 mar 2007, 16:13

JVieira Escreveu:
Badedas 13 Escreveu:
Loki Escreveu:Boas
Eu vi o comentario do Newtomic e gostava d demonstrar o meu apoio por essa iniciativa d fazer um campeonato d TMN ( axo q te referes ao track mania nations, n vi o resto da conversa).
Se isso de facto vier a acontecer podes contar com a minha participação.
Pois...mas esse campeonato ja era para ter sido realizado à bastante tempo, mas como os inscritos eram poucos, e depois o pessoal deixou de mostrar interesse...nunca se fez nada :(
Toca a organizar é um campeonato de Mini Racing Online... 8)
Para quê? Para a redação não aparecer com medo de perder? bahhh :roll:
O único mais ou menos digno ainda é o GBrito, digo mais ou menos porque encontrei-o às 2h da manhã no Trackmania, também devia estar com medo de encontrar muita gente :roll:

:mrgreen: :wink:

Alguém me pode dizer quem ganhou a carta do mês? É quase impossível ter ganho até porque o texto não estava nada de mais mas só quero ter a confirmação 8)
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Registado: quinta 15 fev 2007, 23:02
Localização: Atrás de ti.

Mensagem por Role-Player » sábado 10 mar 2007, 16:22

Parece que comecei do fim e fui para o princípio - só agora estou a ler os Melhores de 2006. Não sei que dizer do vencedor porque não tive oportunidade de o experimentar, mas terá sido superior ao Zelda: Twilight Princess e ao Shadow of the Colossus por apresentar uma jogabilidade mais variada do que estes dois?

PS: Sinceramente, não me parece que o The Darkness vá ser grande coisa.
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Mensagens: 337
Registado: quinta 15 fev 2007, 23:02
Localização: Atrás de ti.

Mensagem por Role-Player » sábado 10 mar 2007, 16:26

Death Crow Escreveu:Alguém me pode dizer quem ganhou a carta do mês? É quase impossível ter ganho até porque o texto não estava nada de mais mas só quero ter a confirmação 8)
Álvaro Banaco.
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Death Crow
Mensagens: 3431
Registado: sábado 22 mai 2004, 23:41
Localização: Ribeira de Frades

Mensagem por Death Crow » sábado 10 mar 2007, 16:36

Role-Player Escreveu:
Death Crow Escreveu:Alguém me pode dizer quem ganhou a carta do mês? É quase impossível ter ganho até porque o texto não estava nada de mais mas só quero ter a confirmação 8)
Álvaro Banaco.
GANHEI O FM :shock: \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ :mrgreen: :mrgreen: =D> =D>
Nem imaginam o que me estou a rir neste momento!
Oh senhores da MS, daqui a um mês vão ser processados por terem arruinado a minha vida social.

Obrigado Role Player
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Registado: terça 11 mar 2003, 1:14

Mensagem por GBrito » sábado 10 mar 2007, 16:42

Death Crow Escreveu:
JVieira Escreveu:
Badedas 13 Escreveu:
Loki Escreveu:Boas
Eu vi o comentario do Newtomic e gostava d demonstrar o meu apoio por essa iniciativa d fazer um campeonato d TMN ( axo q te referes ao track mania nations, n vi o resto da conversa).
Se isso de facto vier a acontecer podes contar com a minha participação.
Pois...mas esse campeonato ja era para ter sido realizado à bastante tempo, mas como os inscritos eram poucos, e depois o pessoal deixou de mostrar interesse...nunca se fez nada :(
Toca a organizar é um campeonato de Mini Racing Online... 8)
Para quê? Para a redação não aparecer com medo de perder? bahhh :roll:
O único mais ou menos digno ainda é o GBrito, digo mais ou menos porque encontrei-o às 2h da manhã no Trackmania, também devia estar com medo de encontrar muita gente :roll:

:mrgreen: :wink:

Alguém me pode dizer quem ganhou a carta do mês? É quase impossível ter ganho até porque o texto não estava nada de mais mas só quero ter a confirmação 8)
É falta de tempo mesmo.
E ter medo de quê? Desde quando é que a qualidade de um jornalista é medida pela sua capacidade de coordenar movimentos? LOL
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King of Kings
Mensagens: 31
Registado: sexta 14 abr 2006, 20:56

Mensagem por King of Kings » sábado 10 mar 2007, 16:48

Falcon Escreveu:
FuSiOnShArK Escreveu:Já existiu uma revista apenas com a participação dos leitores, mas após algum tempo desapareceu. Paz à sua alma...
nao me recordo... quando é que foi?
SuperJogos deve ser essa k ele tava a falar.
The King grinned red as he walked from the blaze,
Where the traitor lost both his name and his face.
Through the halls and the corridors stinging in blood,
He tasted his grin and it tasted good.
The King took his head. Left him broken and dead.

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Death Crow
Mensagens: 3431
Registado: sábado 22 mai 2004, 23:41
Localização: Ribeira de Frades

Mensagem por Death Crow » sábado 10 mar 2007, 17:13

GBrito Escreveu:É falta de tempo mesmo.
E ter medo de quê? Desde quando é que a qualidade de um jornalista é medida pela sua capacidade de coordenar movimentos? LOL
Estava mesmo a criticar a vossa qualidade de jogares e a vossa coragem eheh.

Pergunta: Ainda jogas TMN?
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Mensagens: 706
Registado: terça 11 mar 2003, 1:14

Mensagem por GBrito » sábado 10 mar 2007, 17:32

Death Crow Escreveu:
GBrito Escreveu:É falta de tempo mesmo.
E ter medo de quê? Desde quando é que a qualidade de um jornalista é medida pela sua capacidade de coordenar movimentos? LOL
Estava mesmo a criticar a vossa qualidade de jogares e a vossa coragem eheh.

Pergunta: Ainda jogas TMN?
Nope. Há que avançar para outros mundos para se conhecer coisas diferentes. Daí que não haja aquela “especialização” (estou a usar um eufemismo) de quem joga constantemente a mesma coisa. »:-P
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Mensagens: 337
Registado: quinta 15 fev 2007, 23:02
Localização: Atrás de ti.

Mensagem por Role-Player » sábado 10 mar 2007, 18:01

Boa... Quanto ao passatempo Spectrobes, podem ignorar o meu email. Sei o nome das personagens mas de uma delas pus uma letra a mais e outra a menos. Bah. #-o
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Death Crow
Mensagens: 3431
Registado: sábado 22 mai 2004, 23:41
Localização: Ribeira de Frades

Mensagem por Death Crow » sábado 10 mar 2007, 18:16

GBrito Escreveu:
Death Crow Escreveu:
GBrito Escreveu:É falta de tempo mesmo.
E ter medo de quê? Desde quando é que a qualidade de um jornalista é medida pela sua capacidade de coordenar movimentos? LOL
Estava mesmo a criticar a vossa qualidade de jogares e a vossa coragem eheh.

Pergunta: Ainda jogas TMN?
Nope. Há que avançar para outros mundos para se conhecer coisas diferentes. Daí que não haja aquela “especialização” (estou a usar um eufemismo) de quem joga constantemente a mesma coisa. »:-P
Oh meu mas tu está a gozar comigo porque não me passam centenas de títulos pelas mãos como a vocês? Acho que amanhã quando todos regressarem há redacção vão sentir um certo vazio e não é espiritual.
Por acaso já não jogo há muito tempo e especialização é um eufemismo para vício. :P


A MS vai estar neste evento? Gostava de ir mas penso que tenho de ir trabalhar para Lisboa :|
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Registado: terça 11 mar 2003, 1:14

Mensagem por GBrito » sábado 10 mar 2007, 21:38

Death Crow Escreveu:
GBrito Escreveu:
Death Crow Escreveu:
GBrito Escreveu:É falta de tempo mesmo.
E ter medo de quê? Desde quando é que a qualidade de um jornalista é medida pela sua capacidade de coordenar movimentos? LOL
Estava mesmo a criticar a vossa qualidade de jogares e a vossa coragem eheh.

Pergunta: Ainda jogas TMN?
Nope. Há que avançar para outros mundos para se conhecer coisas diferentes. Daí que não haja aquela “especialização” (estou a usar um eufemismo) de quem joga constantemente a mesma coisa. »:-P
Oh meu mas tu está a gozar comigo porque não me passam centenas de títulos pelas mãos como a vocês? Acho que amanhã quando todos regressarem há redacção vão sentir um certo vazio e não é espiritual.
Por acaso já não jogo há muito tempo e especialização é um eufemismo para vício. :P


A MS vai estar neste evento? Gostava de ir mas penso que tenho de ir trabalhar para Lisboa :|
Hehehe, é bem »:-)
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Mensagem por Cyrax » domingo 11 mar 2007, 0:11

Bu77erCup242 Escreveu:EDIT- Nao consigo ver a MegaTV na 360 :( e que nem aparece no DVD...
Pelos vistos o formato da MegaTv não é .wmv...
Xbox Live Clan: 4Insignia
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Mensagem por pedropaulo » domingo 11 mar 2007, 0:15

Tb não conseguia ver. Instalei o codec pack que vem no DVD e já consegui.