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Conseguirá a Sony manter a liderança nesta geração de consolas?

Total de votos: 78
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Registado: sábado 18 fev 2006, 13:33
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Mensagem por ICE » segunda 20 mar 2006, 17:14

saliv Escreveu:
viriato_iceview51 Escreveu:Acho que deve ser um mal-etendido, aconselho-te o uso mais frequente dos smiles para exprimirem o teu estado de espirito. Se calhar como es novo por ca, niguem sabe se estas a falar a serio ou nao! :wink:
É isso... tenho de usar + os smileys! :oops:

Desculpas aceites :D
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Mensagem por pedropaulo » quinta 23 mar 2006, 0:54

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Mensagem por MadnessJonny » quinta 23 mar 2006, 11:59

pedropaulo Escreveu:"Boomerang" bye bye? ... -redesign/
Verificou-se o que já se esperava. Não faz sentido mexer numa fórmula eficaz, confortável e, ainda por cima, vencedora. Agora vamos ver como fica o comando final. Aquele do artigo está engraçado, embora duvide que seja funcional :wink:

Boa notícia esta.

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Mensagem por viriato_iceview51 » sexta 24 mar 2006, 11:05

pedropaulo Escreveu:"Boomerang" bye bye? ... -redesign/
Sera' a unica chance deles baterem o design do controlo da Revolution. Quem saiba ainda venham a imitar o concept por tras do comando da concorrencia.
«Provavelmente sairá um jogo tipo Resident Weevil [...]» - by PanicFreak :D
«This forum needs an enema...» - by viriato_iceview51
«Não existe a melhor consola. Existe a consola que melhor serve cada um [...]» - by pedropaulo
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Mensagem por Maedhros » sexta 24 mar 2006, 11:51

viriato_iceview51 Escreveu:
pedropaulo Escreveu:"Boomerang" bye bye? ... -redesign/
Sera' a unica chance deles baterem o design do controlo da Revolution. Quem saiba ainda venham a imitar o concept por tras do comando da concorrencia.
Parece-me pouco tempo para um solução tão arrojada em termos de design e interacção. Eu aposto, que vão voltar ao velhinho comando da ps, com um ou outro melhoramento (um botão de navegação?). Como disse o Madness, em fórmula vencedora não se mexe...
"Olive: Grandpa, am I pretty?
Grandpa: You are the most beautiful girl in the world.
Olive: You're just saying that.
Grandpa: No! I'm madly in love with you and it's not because of your brains or your personality. " in Little Miss Sunshine

A ver: "Little Miss Sunshine" de Jonathan Dayton e Valerie Faris
A jogar: "Xenosaga Episode III - Also Sprach Zarathustra", "Dead Rising"
A ler: "Death is a Lonely Business" de Ray Bradbury
A ouvir: Dream Theater - Score
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Registado: sexta 07 mai 2004, 13:30

Mensagem por viriato_iceview51 » sexta 24 mar 2006, 11:58

Maedhros Escreveu:
viriato_iceview51 Escreveu:
pedropaulo Escreveu:"Boomerang" bye bye? ... -redesign/
Sera' a unica chance deles baterem o design do controlo da Revolution. Quem saiba ainda venham a imitar o concept por tras do comando da concorrencia.
Parece-me pouco tempo para um solução tão arrojada em termos de design e interacção. Eu aposto, que vão voltar ao velhinho comando da ps, com um ou outro melhoramento (um botão de navegação?). Como disse o Madness, em fórmula vencedora não se mexe...
De facto, mas aparentemente existe uma nova formula e essa toma-se forma sob o comando da Xbox360. Confesso que o comando PS2 e' extremamente ergono'mico, mas em termos de "design" esta' ultrapassado, alias assim como o que apresentaram no ano passado "horrivel" (mesmo se coincide com design por detras da PS3).
«Provavelmente sairá um jogo tipo Resident Weevil [...]» - by PanicFreak :D
«This forum needs an enema...» - by viriato_iceview51
«Não existe a melhor consola. Existe a consola que melhor serve cada um [...]» - by pedropaulo
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Mensagem por SoRHunter » segunda 27 mar 2006, 8:51

O fim de uma era: a Sony deixa de produzir a PS1. Notícia no GameSpot.
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Mensagem por viriato_iceview51 » segunda 27 mar 2006, 9:12

SoRHunter Escreveu:O fim de uma era: a Sony deixa de produzir a PS1. Notícia no GameSpot.
Acho que o mais importante eu reconhecimento da Sony quanto as potencialidades da PSP na emulacao, com um breve anuncio do desenvolvimento de um programa de emulacao para esta mesma, que permitira jogar jogos PS1. O problema e' que nao estipula se os jogos originais poderao ser directamente copiados para a memoria flash, e ao inves disso diz que os jogos estarao disponiveis atraves de uma distribuicao digital. Mais provavelmente o sistema que eles estao a desenvolver para a PS3!

Agora a questao e' para quem ja' tem os jogos originais, acham que se vao dar ao trabalho de pagar mais por algo digitalizado simplesmente para jogarem na PSP? Ridiculo... :x
«Provavelmente sairá um jogo tipo Resident Weevil [...]» - by PanicFreak :D
«This forum needs an enema...» - by viriato_iceview51
«Não existe a melhor consola. Existe a consola que melhor serve cada um [...]» - by pedropaulo
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Death Crow
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Mensagem por Death Crow » segunda 27 mar 2006, 17:21

SoRHunter Escreveu:O fim de uma era: a Sony deixa de produzir a PS1. Notícia no GameSpot.
Mas eles continuavam a produzi-la? Pensava que já tinham acabado à muito!
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Registado: quarta 09 jul 2003, 22:20

Mensagem por pedropaulo » quinta 30 mar 2006, 19:24

A PSP está em maus lençois no que diz respeito aos UMD

Sinceramente não me espanta. Ao preço que tem juntamente com a oferta a nivel de quantidade e qualidade era de esperar o fracasso nesta area.
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Mensagem por viriato_iceview51 » sexta 31 mar 2006, 11:56

pedropaulo Escreveu:A PSP está em maus lençois no que diz respeito aos UMD

Sinceramente não me espanta. Ao preço que tem juntamente com a oferta a nivel de quantidade e qualidade era de esperar o fracasso nesta area.
Ja' se esperava que esse formato, apesar das suas vantagens, nao teria o futuro que a Sony tinha contemplado... por mais esforco que eles metessem na promocao do produto. Alias acho que o maior erro foi mesmo o preco, ou a obrigacao de alguns possuidores terem que comprar o mesmo filme duas vezes (DVD e UMD). Deveriam ter oferto os dois formatos a cada vez que comprasse-se um filme.

O fracasso do UMD reforca-se com a fraca performance da PSP e a concurrencia dos leitores multimedia portateis. Para alem de que os formatos de multimedia caseiros oferecem uma qualidade que o UMD nunca podera' oferecer! Weekly Update - 30/03/2006 Escreveu:Sony is keen to remind people, at every possible juncture, that the PlayStation Portable isn't just a videogames console. Movies, music, photos and web browsing are all part of the offering as well, and every communication to emanate from the Sony mothership - be it press releases, official statements, or the huge marketing campaigns being run for the device - is pitched to ensure that we never forget that.

No amount of marketing can rescue a fundamentally bad idea, however - and for all Sony's efforts at promoting it, we have to confess to an almost complete lack of surprise when the Hollywood Reporter this week revealed that both Universal Studios and Paramount Pictures were dropping out of releasing movies on the PSP's Universal Media Disc, while 20th Century Fox, Buena Vista and even Sony Pictures are scaling back releases on the format.

If that's not the first bell of UMD's funeral peal ringing its sonorous note, then perhaps this is - retail watchers are reporting that the format is gradually losing shelf space at key locations, and giant US retail chain Wal-Mart is rumoured to be about to drop UMD entirely from its shelves. Anonymous movie executives quoted by the Hollywood Reporter pulled no punches - "sales are near zilch," one stated, while another said that "no one's even breaking even on [UMD]."

Right now, there are probably a lot of people within Sony trying to work out exactly what went wrong - but from the perspective of consumers and the wider industry, it's easy to pinpoint what the problem with UMD is. It's a bad answer to a question nobody was asking; a poorly conceived format that nobody wanted, but which Sony foisted on the market without giving the remotest thought to how it would fit with consumers' existing pattern of media usage and consumption. Under-specified, over-priced and far too late to market to be of any real interest, it's the movie format that nobody wanted.

Comparisons will inevitably be made with MiniDisc, but those comparisons are unfair - unfair to MD, that is. While the MD format never had legs among consumers in the west, the platform still has widespread acceptance as a recording format and is used extensively by audio professionals and amateurs alike; not the market Sony might have dreamed of, but a worthy niche. MD's hopes of being picked up as a de facto standard for consumer audio were largely destroyed by the fact that it didn't offer big enough benefits over CD for the average consumer, while early adopters were keenly aware of MP3 players being on the horizon. Squeezed between these two juggernauts, MD popped out of existence in the consumer space.

UMD, unlike MD, has no useful application outside of being a format for games and movies on the PSP; when the movies side of that application disappears, UMD will simply be a proprietary game format, much like GameCube discs are. Like MD, it too is failing to catch the interest of the early adopter market because of the existence of the far superior digital formats around the corner - even now, anyone with a little technical savvy can convert their own DVDs or other movies into a format that can be played off a PSP Memory Stick - but on the other side, there's no established format it's fighting against. What it's fighting against on a mass-market level is pure apathy.

It's certainly true that nobody asked for or wanted a disc format for portable movie playback. Why on earth would anyone want to pay the price of a DVD just in order to get a lower resolution version of the movie that can only be played back on one device, when you could just buy the DVD and rip the content to watch on the PSP as well as owning a full-scale version to watch at home? However, in the mass market, there's still a big question over whether anyone has even asked for any kind of player for watching movies on the go. Portable video is not the same as portable audio; unlike the passive experience of listening to audio on the move, video is an invasive, attention-grabbing activity which simply doesn't fit into the lifestyles of very many people. Where it does fit, it's in the form of bite sized chunks - TV episodes, news broadcasts, even sports highlights or music videos - which are far better delivered digitally over a network than on a static disc.

Of course, Sony has a solution for that too, and we expect that digital delivery of video content to PSP is going to be a big market in future; the platform isn't about to stop being a video player just because UMD dies a death. However, millions of pounds have been pumped into bringing UMD to life, and then keeping it on life support - and both Sony and its partners need to think hard about the kind of outdated, foolish thinking that has brought us to this juncture. The crux, we suspect, is the comment we made above about buying a DVD and ripping it to a digital format to use on your PSP; an action which seems perfectly natural and normal to the majority of consumers, just like copying a CD to tape to listen to in your car used to be, but which fills media companies with horror.

These companies don't believe that consumers should be allowed to do as they please with the media they buy. In their world, if you buy a DVD, you should then have to buy the same film again on UMD to watch it on your PSP; buy it again from the iTunes store to watch it on your iPod video, or from your carrier to watch a clip of it on your mobile phone. You should pay again for the HD-DVD or Blu-Ray disc to see a high definition version. If you buy a music CD, the music company dreams of you having to buy it again to listen to it on your portable player, and again once more to have a sample from it on your mobile phone. After all, most people had to replace their tapes when CD arrived, or their VHS cassettes when DVD came along; why should it be any different now, they'll reason.

The reason it's different now - the reason that the media companies are barking up the wrong tree entirely, and that Sony sank millions into a video format that floats with all the grace of a breeze block - is that when these companies pressed CDs and DVDs into the hands of consumers, they were giving us digital formats, replacing the analogue formats of old. Digital data doesn't wear out or stretch; it's endlessly flexible, and can be repurposed to play in a host of different formats and devices. We don't need UMDs, because we can make portable movies from our DVDs; and those we don't own on DVD, we'd rather acquire online instead of paying full price for a single-purpose medium (I say "acquire" deliberately, because while I'd love to say "buy", the movie studios haven't actually come up with a convincing way for people to pay for movies online yet, so most people will continue to acquire them in other ways, just as they did with MP3s).

So, the death of UMD is just another crossroads what promises to be a tedious and drawn-out war over consumer rights in the digital age, but it's a clear message to the studios and the hardware manufacturers, at least. Consumers don't want your single-purpose, proprietary formats; they don't want to be sold the same product over and over again in different boxes; and they sure as hell don't want the media companies to try and dictate what the market will look like. Consumer demand will dictate that; it always has, and as Sony has found out very expensively over the last year, it always will. The question now is whether the Japanese giant can avoid exactly the same pitfalls with Blu-Ray - and, perhaps, whether the ferocious battle between HD-DVD and Blu-Ray is going to turn out to be a pointless one for both sides, as consumers increasingly look away from physical disc formats for their media, leaving the dinosaurs to duke it out over a market nobody really cares about any more.

«Provavelmente sairá um jogo tipo Resident Weevil [...]» - by PanicFreak :D
«This forum needs an enema...» - by viriato_iceview51
«Não existe a melhor consola. Existe a consola que melhor serve cada um [...]» - by pedropaulo
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Mensagem por Hunter » quarta 05 abr 2006, 12:58

A jogar: Final Fantasy XII, God of War II, Devil May Cry 3
A ver: House (II), Lost (III)
A ouvir: Metallica, Evanescence, Rob Zombie, OffSpring
A visitar: Children of Ivalice, Galbadia Hotel , GameSpot
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Mensagem por Cyrax » quarta 05 abr 2006, 17:16

Hunter Escreveu:Playstation 3 a 500€????
E pelo que tenho estado a ler por aí, algo diz-me que chega a Setembro e passa para 700€... :roll:
Xbox Live Clan: 4Insignia
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Mensagem por saliv » quarta 05 abr 2006, 17:19

Cyrax Escreveu:
Hunter Escreveu:Playstation 3 a 500€????
E pelo que tenho estado a ler por aí, algo diz-me que chega a Setembro e passa para 700€... :roll:
Por esse preço já deveria trazer um ecrã LCD HD Ready!! :lol:
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Mensagem por ICE » quarta 05 abr 2006, 23:12

Hunter Escreveu:Playstation 3 a 500€????
Já se esperava à muito um preço semelhante, vários analistas apontavam para algo perto dos 500$. Isso chegou mesmo a ser discutido cá no fórum George Fornay só vem dar razão a estes analistas. Sinceramente como dei a entender eu pensava convictamente que o preço seria mais baixo. Estava confiante que a Sony seguisse a estratégia da Microsoft e sacrifica-se os lucros no hoje para tirar dividendos amanha. Pelo que me pergunto é esta a estratégia usada, pelo que o valor real da PS3 está bem acima disso? Ou a Sony está tão confiante no seu novo produto que acha que seja qual for o preço a que a consola for lançada não vai afectar as vendas?